About the MVB


The MVB (Maastrichtse Verkennersband) was established as a Scout-band in 1953 and has become the biggest youth musicmovement in the Dutch province of Limburg.   The Band consists of 125 members of whom 100 are youngsters. They are divided in two orchestras and one group of apprentices.

The other members have different tasks like staff, instruction and support. The club is the travelling ambassador for Maastricht.


The band is a show- and marchingband. The senior orchestra (45 members) is considered as the float. The musical repertoire extends from streetparades and tattoo-shows to light concerts and ceremonies.

At the moment the band has the  ABBA-show in their programme and a new show is currently being developed. However, all kinds of musical themes, length of performances and wishes from organizations are open to requests.


Formally the band is a foundation;  the patron is Drs. Theo Bovens,  former Vice-Mayor of Maastricht, President of the Council of Administration of the Open University and Member of the Council of Social and Economics.

President of the band is Major Mathew Garnier.  The Conductor of the Show- and Marchingband is Master Ramon Kusters.

The Conductor of percussion is Master Cum Laude Raymond Spons.  The band is a member of the Dutch Scout Organization and a lot of former members fulfil important roles in our civilization.

Currently, General Jos van Duurling is the CO JAG.

Former Minister of Education and current Minister of Economics, Maria van der Hoeven has been a great supporter for very long time. Before she became minister, she was a member of our Committee of Recommendation for several years.

The new Inspector of Military Music and former conductor of the Band of the Royal Dutch Marines, Major Pieter Janssen is wellknown by the band, staff, conductors and members of the instructionteam.


The Band has won numerous national and international championships and has been the favourite band of the public ever since they first took part in the WMC (World Music Contest), Kerkrade, in 1989. Since then, they have won a total of 11 golden medals.

The famous “Manneke Pis” in Brussels has a Banduniform and he wears it on the foundation day of our band. In 2003 the band won the European title while taking part in the Open Show and Marching Championships in Bristol, England.

In 2005 the band won the title: “Best

Overall Band” in the St. Patrick’s Day

Parade in Dublin, Ireland, beating several military orchestras.  The competition was judged by a jury that mainly existed of Americans.

In April 2008 the band travelled to the Unites States of America for the first time, attending the Nato’s Parade of Nations and the pre-program of the International Virgina Tattoo in Norfolk, Virginia.


The band takes part in performances throughout Europe more than twenty times a year. In the past few years, trips  have been made to Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Italy, Great Britain and Ireland.

The business part in a national and European context

The band works with eventmanagers most of the time.  The performances are fully paid by the organizers. Often local cultural events are done on a non-profit base as a contribution to the community.

The way big international trips are organized differs from trip to trip and depends on the requirements and wishes of the organizers.  In most instances, travelling and accommodation are the most important factors. In some cases members have to arrange their own meals for themselves.


The band wears the original uniform, designed by the founder of the scout organisation, Lord Baden Powell. In our country, the band is one of the few that still wear this uniform, although it has been renewed and redesigned to make it look modern again.

The short trousers and the campaign hat are the most regognizable parts of the uniform.